Drug Addiction

Does Medicaid Cover Speedball Addiction Treatment?

Speedball Addiction Treatment

Speedballing is the practice of combining two illegal drugs, namely heroin and cocaine, and taking them together. Usually, speedballing is done by injecting the drug cocktail directly into the bloodstream. Some users prefer to snort the drugs nasally.

In any case, speedballing is highly dangerous and produces riskier side effects than taking only one of those drugs at a time. It can lead to fatal consequences, such as overdose and respiratory failure. Addiction to speedball is also easier since users are taking two drugs at the same time.

If you happen to have this addiction, you may think that getting your life back is no longer possible. Don’t worry because that is not true. Treatment is possible, though it will take time and discipline. You may also be concerned that treatment is costly, so read on to find out if Medicaid covers speedball addiction treatment.

What are the components of Speedball?

Speedball combines cocaine and heroin together in one drug mixture. Cocaine has stimulant effects, while heroin has depressant effects. These drugs have opposite modes of action, and many users believe that taking the two together will cancel out their negative effects. In reality, that is not the case. Instead, the negative effects become amplified as users take both drugs simultaneously.

Why is speedballing dangerous?

Speedball Addiction TreatmentCocaine and heroin, by themselves, already have detrimental effects on your body. Taken together, those effects become even worse. For example, one significant effect of heroin on your body is it slows down your rate of breathing.

In the worst case, your lungs can completely fail, leading to death. This, combined with cocaine, which is a stimulant, is a disastrous combination. The stimulating effects of cocaine will increase your body’s need for oxygen, which it cannot provide because breathing has been slowed down. Consequently, you may end up fatigued and gasping for air. Respiratory failure can happen faster and earlier as well.

What speedball addiction treatments are available?

Speedball Addiction TreatmentSpeedball addiction is treated with drug rehab, just like any other substance use disorder. Drug rehab has different components, from medical detox to a range of behavioral therapies. Rehab programs may be either outpatient or inpatient, depending on your specific needs and the severity of your addiction.

In most cases of speedball addiction, treatment is often done in an inpatient setting. These kinds of cases are known as polydrug abuse, meaning you have been addicted to more than one dangerous drug at a time. Polydrug abuse cases are harder to treat and require more attention. If you are not entirely focused on the recovery process, the chances of relapse are quite high.

When you are in an inpatient rehab program, you will be relocated to a rehab facility, and you will live there temporarily. Your stay will range from 30 to 90 days, depending on how bad your case of addiction is. While in the rehab facility, your daily schedule will mostly comprise therapy sessions, allowing you to focus on your recovery for the entire duration of the program.

Behavioral treatments can be individual sessions with just you and a therapist, or group sessions with a therapist and your fellow recovering drug dependents. You may also be enrolled in recovery support groups, which give you a sense of belongingness in the battle for sobriety.

Is speedball addiction treatment included in Medicaid coverage?

Drug rehab tends to be very costly, and not a lot of people can afford it out of their own pockets. For this reason, only a small percentage of people with substance use disorders seek professional help. The costs are restrictive, so those who cannot afford treatment choose not to get help in the first place.

The good news is many rehab centers accept health insurance from a variety of providers. Some also accept state-funded insurance like Medicaid, which covers a majority of low-income Americans.

Under the Affordable Care Act and other relevant healthcare laws in the United States, Medicaid is required to cover certain behavioral treatment services, which include addiction recovery. Here are some of the parts of addiction treatment that are eligible for Medicaid assistance:

  • Speedball Addiction TreatmentPreliminary health screening
  • Drug testing
  • Interventions
  • Short hospital stays
  • Inpatient and outpatient treatment programs under accredited rehab centers
  • Medications
  • Medically-assisted detox
  • Dual diagnosis (if you have co-occurring mental health conditions along with a substance use disorder)

How will I know if I am qualified for Medicaid?

Medicaid is administered through your state’s government under the supervision of the federal government. In other words, the rules can vary in different states. In general, eligibility requirements include the following:

  • 65 years of age or older
  • 19 years of age or younger
  • Pregnant or a parent
  • Within a specified income bracket

If you qualify for at least one of these criteria, you are eligible for Medicaid. As the rules are different for each state, check with your state’s Medicaid office for any additional eligibility criteria. In some states, as long as you fall under a certain threshold of income, you are automatically covered regardless of your age.

Generally, if your household income is below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level, you are qualified for Medicaid. Your chances are higher the more members you have in your immediate family. Check with the guidelines in your state if your household income qualifies you for Medicaid assistance.

Where can I get speedball addiction treatment if I want to use my Medicaid benefits?

Take note that not all rehab centers accept Medicaid. Before enrolling in a treatment program, make sure that the rehab center you choose accepts Medicaid to fund your treatment. Again, you may check with your state government to find out which rehab facilities in your state accept Medicaid.

Also, it’s important to know that Medicaid may not cover the full cost of treatment. Check with the rehab center of your choice to know what parts of treatment are covered by Medicaid.