Opioid Addiction

Is Inpatient Or Outpatient Treatment Better For Gabapentin Addiction Treatment?

Gabapentin Addiction Treatment

Currently, Gabapentin is not considered a controlled substance in the United States, even though it can produce feelings of pleasant relaxation or euphoria, which is why many people are increasingly abusing it.

Most Gabapentin users typically take other drugs to boost the euphoric effects and get a recreational high. Thus, there is usually a chance that people hooked on this medication will also suffer from an addiction to substances like cocaine or opioids. For this reason, Gabapentin addiction treatment has to address poly-drug abuse and its social, mental, and physical effects.

Even though this drug is also used in detox recovery treatment programs for other substance use disorders, it poses dependence and abuse-related risks. Using Gabapentin in alternative ways than what is prescribed or taking it without a prescription is considered abuse of the drug. Using it with other substances such as narcotics or alcohol is also a sign of Gabapentin abuse. Anyone showing indications of Gabapentin abuse might need to get treatment for addiction and dependence.

Factors to Consider When Looking for Gabapentin Addiction Treatment

Gabapentin Addiction TreatmentIf you feel you might need gabapentin addiction treatment, you should consider certain factors beforehand. First, using this medicine can result in physical dependence. Once you are gabapentin-dependent and stop using this drug, you might get withdrawal symptoms and harmful side effects such as seizures. These potentially dangerous side effects and withdrawal symptoms will have to be observed closely within a professional detox program in a certified treatment facility.

When looking for a gabapentin addiction treatment program, it is essential to seek out one that includes a detox program. Medical detox is usually the first step of gabapentin addiction treatment to ensure the user rids their body of the drug entirely before proceeding to the next step of addiction treatment.

Enrolling in a rehab program is crucial in gabapentin addiction treatment because it helps the recovering individuals prevent relapse and maintain their sobriety. Rehab equips recovering users with the critical tools and life skills to deal with the psychological, behavioral, and social issues linked to addiction to maintain their sobriety long-term.

When choosing a gabapentin addiction treatment program, you should also consider whether it is equipped to help you treat multiple, simultaneous substance abuse disorders. As mentioned before, most people typically abuse Gabapentin and other addictive substances. Thus, the treatment facility must have the capacity to help recovering individuals address multiple addictions separately and combine the treatment ultimately.

People suffering from gabapentin addiction or abuse might also suffer from co-occurring mental health conditions. They could have been using the drug to self-medicate problems such as depression or anxiety. The treatment center you chose must have all the tools and resources required to address multiple addictions and any individual’s co-occurring mental health problems.

Choosing a Rehab Facility

One of the most significant decisions to make when looking for gabapentin addiction treatment is choosing between an inpatient or outpatient rehab facility. Even though most available rehab centers utilize the same therapeutic approaches, there are still notable differences between inpatient and outpatient facilities.

Inpatient Treatment

Gabapentin Addiction TreatmentResidential or inpatient programs for gabapentin addiction treatment require living in the facility. This means participants will not be able to keep attending work or school during the treatment period so they can focus solely on the recovery process. Inpatient programs provide intensive addiction treatment from the start to the end in a safe environment with the added advantage of lacking outside influences or distractions for the participants.

Most of these inpatient treatment centers are inclusive of a medical detox program. Fortunately, most medical insurance plans can help cover part or all of the cost of treatment. Inpatient rehab programs involve the patients following a structured schedule every day to help them maintain a sense of consistency.

The schedule usually comprises personal free time, meal times, educational lectures, individual counseling, fitness times, meditation, process groups, and group counseling. Inpatient rehab can be a good option for anyone who has a problem with chronic relapse and requires more structure to increase their chances of success in sobriety. Inpatient programs for gabapentin addiction treatment may be costlier than outpatient programs, but they offer many benefits, making it worth the price.

Outpatient Treatment

Gabapentin Addiction TreatmentAn outpatient rehab program for gabapentin addiction enables patients to undergo treatment while staying at home to handle their current responsibilities such as school, work, or taking care of family.

An outpatient program can be an ideal option for anyone who has not been abusing Gabapentin for an extended period (mild to moderate addiction/abuse) or does not have any other co-occurring mental health disorders to treat. IOPs or Intensive Outpatient Programs require participants to regularly attend group meetings every week.

An addiction treatment professional typically oversees these meetings, which comprise the same essential treatment principles and approaches in inpatient programs. IOPs can work for individuals who need less structure in a gabapentin addiction treatment program.

Ultimately, the choice between inpatient and outpatient recovery treatment for gabapentin addiction will boil down to your needs based on the extent of your condition. Suppose you suffer from mild to moderate gabapentin addiction or abuse or do not have any co-occurring addictions or mental health conditions.

In that case, an outpatient program might work for you. This also applies to individuals who need to live at home to attend to other personal responsibilities as they attend treatment sessions in a less structured environment.

However, for individuals with a heavy gabapentin addiction, poly-substance abuse disorders, or co-occurring mental health disorders, an inpatient program might be more effective in achieving lasting sobriety. Ultimately, if you’re looking to start gabapentin addiction treatment, it is ideal to speak to your doctor or an addiction treatment specialist first. They can assess your condition and help you work out the best treatment program to meet your needs.